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Te Ora Hou Wellington East


Community Hāngī

The last few years have been pretty tough for many families in our community,  therefore we decided that twice a month (every second and fourth Friday). We provide a $5 community Hāngī  for whānau. 

Our Hāngī are tasty and healthy and include pork, chicken, cabbage, potato, kumara, pumpkin and stuffing.  This provides a healthy and affordable alternative to regular take aways.

It is great to see how many people are supporting their neighbours and friends who have been doing it tough and also those who have paid it forward to give strangers in need a Hāngī.

This is only possible with the help of volunteers who help with the preparation of the Hāngī. If you would like to volunteer, please contact us.

How to Order?

Step 1:

Simply text Dana to confirm the availability of hāngī on 020 41337406

Step 2:

You will receive a confirmation of hāngī availability.

Step 3:

Make payment by Tuesday prior to hāngī date to:

Te Ora Hou, bank account 38-9015-0424456-04

Reference: hāngī and your name. (example: hāngī x4 Dana)

Where to Pick Up?

Pick up is at Miramar Community Centre, 27 Chelsea St, Miramar between 6pm and 6:30pm.