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Te Ora Hou Wellington East




Te Ora Hou Wellington East is committed to the holistic development of young people, their whānau and communities. We are involved in a wide variety of youth and community development initiatives at a local level. 

Te Ora Hou Wellington East is affiliated to Te Ora Hou Aotearoa a national network of organisations with a similar kaupapa.


The vision of Te Ora Hou is for Tamariki and Rangatahi to grow up with a strong sense of identity to reach their full potential in families that are loving, healthy and creative.


We believe in building and supporting strong connections between young people, and their whānau, aiga, as well as their communities.  In all our programmes we base our evaluation and assessment of our model of practice the Maia which comprised of supporting four key developmental needs:

We believe that by supporting these four developmental needs in our young people they are assisted with transitioning into an adult community.  We work on a practical strengths based model and group work to help our young people with the skills required to function in a range of social settings (schools, home, peers, work and community).

Te Ora Hou seeks to grow with our local community and to implement programmes that respond to local needs and opportunities.  Our staff and volunteers are police vetted and are based in the communities where we work. We believe and invest in developing our leaders and volunteers.